Who The Hell Goes To Hell?

I was reading this Associated Press article, “Who’s In Hell? Pastor’s Book Sparks Eternal Debate” which basically discusses the supposed “controversy” over “Love Wins” a book by Rob Bell, pastor of the 10,000 Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The debate is essentially over how a loving, good God can allow millions (or billions, if you have less faith in the ability of mankind to respond to God’s message) of His children to go to a place of pain, suffering and torment… for eternity? How is He a good God, and how is the Christian message Good News?

Here’s the trailer for Bell’s book:

As interesting – or even “controversial” – this discussion is, it is actually, to me, quite an “old” debate. Historically – this has been a major theological debate. However, how I came to terms with my views of heaven, hell and mankind’s choice for eternity was when I discovered and read C.S. Lewis‘ “The Great Divorce” – one of the best explanations on the subject.

My takeaways from The Great Divorce is that:

  • Hell is a place where God is not
  • If mankind finds their ultimate humanity in God, then we become less than human where God is denied
  • People who reject or deny God will continue to do so, even in hell and even if they were given a choice to go to Heaven

What do you think?

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